Una classe magistral amb Sir Michael Caine
“The theatre is an operation with the scalpel, i think movie acting is an operation with the laser.” Michael Caine teaches in this documentary the art of movie acting to five young actors, who perform scenes from “Alfie”, “Deathtrap” and “Educating Rita”. He talks about how to perform in...
El traje nuevo de la inteligencia artificial — Ramon López de Mántaras
La inteligencia artificial (IA) vive un nuevo auge. Los éxitos de la técnica conocida como aprendizaje profundo han sido presentados por muchos científicos, compañías y medios de comunicación como una prueba de que la IA general está cerca. ¿Es cierto? La realidad es muy otra. Un análisis pausado revela que los algoritmos actuales siguen...
Computers are the bicycles of the mind
“I read a study that measured the efficiency of locomotion for various species on the planet. The condor used the least energy to move a kilometer. And, humans came in with a rather unimpressive showing, about a third of the way down the list. It was not too proud a showing for the crown of <a class="read-more"...
Facial Recognition: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
John Oliver takes a look at facial recognition technology, how it’s used by private companies and law enforcement, and why it can be dangerous.
A James Bond Animated Infographic
This is an infographic the history of the James Bond film franchise. It highlights the actors that played the title role of James Bond as well as some landmark films that were crated in the 50 year timeline. This project was created with After Effects and Photoshop.
F for Fake (1973) – How to Structure a Video Essay
If you want to make video essays, there’s no better film to study than Orson Welles’ 1973 masterpiece, F for Fake. There are a million lessons to take away from it, but today, let’s see what it has to teach us about structure.
Bio-Inspired Design — Neri Oxman in Davos
In the first three industrial revolutions, new inventions were assembled from parts – as opposed to grown, like in nature. In the fourth industrial revolution, designers are operating at the intersection of the material, physical, digital and biological. In this presentation for the World Economic Forum, Neri Oxman – Associate Professor...
L’experiència de volar amb Jon Tugores
Breu vídeo del capità Jon Tugores pilotant l’Airbus A320. Jon ha pilotat diversos tipus d’avions durant la seva carrera. Des de molts avions de motor de pistó fins a avions com el Fokker 100, i avui gaudint de la gran tecnologia A320 de la família. A319, 320 i 321.
Un monjo autòmata de segle XVI
Though its origins are shrouded in mystery, one legend proposes that this marvel was made after a relic of the Franciscan brother Diego de Alcalá miraculously cured the young Spanish prince Don Carlos. The prince’s father, Philip II, vowed “a miracle for a miracle” and commissioned this automaton representing the monk, who was...
Potències de deu — Charles and Ray Eames
Powers of Ten takes us on an adventure in magnitudes. Starting at a picnic by the lakeside in Chicago, this famous film transports us to the outer edges of the universe. Every ten seconds we view the starting point from ten times farther out until our own galaxy is visible only a s a speck of light among many others. Returning to Earth...