Black Swan — Nassim Taleb
Nassim Taleb examines the role of the unexpected–the Black Swan–in both life and human history, explaining how the phenomenon and its applications affect every aspect of the world in which we live, why humans are unable to anticipate a Black Swan, and how we rationalize the phenomenon to make it appear less random. A black <a...
Rebooting AI. Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust — Gary Marcus
Two leaders in the field offer a compelling analysis of the current state of the art and reveal the steps we must take to achieve a truly robust artificial intelligence. Despite the hype surrounding AI, creating an intelligence that rivals or exceeds human levels is far more complicated than we have been led to believe. <a...
Per què filosofia? — Xavier Rubert de Ventós
Aquesta deu ser la definició més succinta i alhora precisa que mai hagi llegit de la definició de filosofia. Llibre imprescindible per a tothom que desitgi una introducció assequible i amena a la filosofia. El llibre recull quatre «lliçons» emeses per la televisió el 1981 (recordo haver-los vist pel canal català de TVE, en dèiem <a...
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television — Jerry Mander
A total departure from previous writing about television, this book is the first ever to advocate that the medium is not reformable. Its problems are inherent in the technology itself and are so dangerous — to personal health and sanity, to the environment, and to democratic processes — that TV ought to be eliminated forever....