Quant val un GIF? I un mem? Qualsevol objecte digital és una tirallonga de zeros i uns que pot ser replicada fins a l’infinit. Així doncs, el valor d’un objecte digital tendirà a zero. La gran diferència entre el món físic i el digital és que al primer la norma és l’escassedat i al darrer l’abundància. D’aquí que els artistes digitals . . .
A James Bond Animated Infographic
This is an infographic the history of the James Bond film franchise. It highlights the actors that played the title role of James Bond as well as some landmark films that were crated in the 50 year timeline. This project was created with After Effects and Photoshop.
Bio-Inspired Design — Neri Oxman in Davos
In the first three industrial revolutions, new inventions were assembled from parts – as opposed to grown, like in nature. In the fourth industrial revolution, designers are operating at the intersection of the material, physical, digital and biological. In this presentation for the World Economic Forum, Neri Oxman – Associate Professor . . .